Dr. Farasha Azimi


24 | Feb 22nd


The founder and previous owner of the small facility responsible for the latest development technology involving virtual reality. "A different reality, more real than virtual reality will ever be." Farasha stated. Proficient in understanding of modern science and computers. The company is ran by a small group of scientists looking to enhance the livelihood of comatose patients. Has a Research Doctorate and a degree in Biomedical Engineering.

The process involves scanning the brain and making a copy to control in the alternate reality. Farasha claims this is a safety measure to prevent people from harm in the simulation. "If you die in the simulation, it'll not harm your real body and simply just make a duplicate of your brain."

The simulation is a network of computers, designed to run 24/7 even if one computer goes down. Of course, this is all still in testing and all data is encrypted.

Farasha's family history is unknown. Many presumed the records were deleted a long  time ago.

Many noticed before the disappearance and sudden shut down of the facility that Farasha was undergoing major personality and degradation of skills. They were suddenly unable to work on the project lost knowledge of everything. Farasha was also noted to have frequently burst into fits of laughter and body tremors.

Often describing themselves as "not a human." Many suspected this as a side effect of using the simulation consistently as Farasha was noticed to use it the most to fix a lot of issues the simulation has.

The facility was quickly shut down after a body that belonged to Ashley Vipond, a volunteer, was discovered in one of the chambers that hosts the body when the person is in the simulation. The investigation was abandoned after 3 years and left the simulation unreachable from the outside. Since data is encrypted, investigators are unable to recover anything. All other volunteers are noted to have no side effects from the simulation.

 Farasha's body has not been found.